Showing Tag: "dickie" (Show all posts)

\\New Time Zone//Purchase College\\New York//

Posted by Dickie Webb on Sunday, February 5, 2012, In : New York 
As part of my studies in Edinburgh I have been fortunate to gain a place at Purchase College, New York on exchange.  So with a lot of my work my environment really impacts on my work and New York from the word go has given my eyes enough inspiration.  Unlike in Edinburgh I am able to mis my choice of electives and focus here at Purchase so whilst learning some new skills which will help my contemporary practice I am also able to learn some skills which I have been itching to do so that will f...
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Trisickle Collaboration Waiting in the Wings..

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, February 15, 2011, In : projects 
The last few weeks have been ultra busy, busy in a good way.. The collaboration with Leanne Bridgewater is in the final stages and it is looking good.  

Until the new issue of Trisickle magazine is released please take a look at a collaboration I initiated back in December.  The fruits of this are just starting to return and they are all being posted on this blog: 
So please enjoy and comment as you feel fit.  If anyone is looking to collaborate in the future mont...
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